Some Interesting IRS Stats Regarding IRS Audits
- The IRS audits 1.11% of all 1040s filed.
- But, the likelihood of you getting audited depends upon your Adjusted Gross Income – the higher it is the more likely you will be audited.
- Form 1040 returns with AGI of $10 Million and higher are audited 29.33% of the time.
- Form 1040 returns with AGI of $5 to $10 Million are audited 20.75% of the time.
- Form 1040 returns with AGI of $1 to $5 Million are audited 11.80% of the time.
- Form 1040 returns with AGI of $500,000 to $1 Million are audited 5.38% of the time.
- Form 1040 returns with AGI of $200,000 to $500,000 are audited 2.66% of the time.
- Form 1040 returns with AGI of $1 to $200,000 are audited 0.93% of the time.
- Form 1040 returns with AGI of zero are audited 3.42% of the time.
Source: Beyond145, 2011 IRS Data Book
Contact Bryson Law Firm, LLC today if you are in need of a tax audit lawyer.
***Bryson Law Firm, LLC is a Louisiana law firm focusing 100% of our practice on helping people and businesses solve their IRS and Louisiana state tax problems. We have offices throughout the state in Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and Shreveport.**